Debut Book from Fawn & Friends


Unified by their shared commitment to healthcare, America’s most essential industry, UNSTOPPABLE is an inspiring book that highlights the extraordinary journeys and achievements of 9 remarkable women.

Now available at Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Fish Pond


This book is dedicated to all the remarkable women who are already shaping our world with their passion, strength, and unwavering determination, and to those who aspire to do even more.

Within these stories, remember that life is a journey, not a destination. With each step you take in your journey, know that you are part of a unique sisterhood united to uplift, inspire, and motivate you whenever you need it.

May these stories be your guiding light, fueling your ambitions and awakening your potential. Even if one of you finds encouragement or a renewed sense of purpose within the pages of this book, our mission will be fulfilled. We simply ask that you share this book with others in your circle so that we may witness the transformative power of collective inspiration.

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"UNSTOPPABLE is a compelling and inspiring book that celebrates the incredible achievements of some of the most remarkable women leaders in healthcare. A must read for anyone seeking personal and professional growth and to make an impact in their chosen field.” 

Dr. Regina Benjamin

18th Surgeon General of the United States

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Women Leaders in Healthcare

Fawn is the visionary of Modern Healthcare's Annual Women Leaders in Healthcare Conference, a two-day event dedicated to providing valuable insights from successful women leaders through educational sessions, thoughtful roundtables, and panel discussions featuring innovators paving the way for the next generation.

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